Lakewood Internet Ban
I have done a little research and while I can't be sure about this, my sources are telling me that the Internet ban in Lakewood is not being enforced and is being privately disregarded by some in the community but not publicly. I do not have sources telling me that it is being widely disregarded, but I am being told that people who want to can have Internet access without any reprecussions. Let me know if you hear the same or if you hear otherwise
At 3/30/2006 12:10 PM,
Leapa said…
I hope it's not a situation of the powers-that-be waiting to make an example of some poor fellow.
At 3/30/2006 12:19 PM,
J said…
His impression was that the Kanoyim have lost their interest in this issue by now. It's one thing to put in a policy requesting everyone to 'apply' for permission. It is another to start following up on all the applications. You need someone to actually do the work.
At 3/31/2006 11:29 AM,
Leapa said…
So applicants are not getting anwered?
At 3/31/2006 11:49 AM,
Gil Student said…
Just drive slowly through Lakewood with a laptop and try to access wireless internet. You'll see that plenty of clearly frum homes have wireless internet set up (without any security!).
At 3/31/2006 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Gil, Wardriving in Lakewood?
At 3/31/2006 4:15 PM,
J said…
Please don't be Choshed b'Keshairim on my blog - they obviously where all Goyim! :) Even if their screen names where Chaim and Yankel!
I think that someone in Lakewood was tipped off due to my blog and they hired Gil (cause of his reputation for being tech saavy) to compile a hit list for them. The Sitra Achra has claimed another victem! Say it aint so, Gil!
Gut Shabbos to one and all.
At 5/14/2006 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Help! I'm writing from deep within the dungeon underneath R. Mattisyahu Solomon's home. They've been keeping me here buried alive for weeks because they found the Internet in my home. Help!!!
At 5/15/2006 10:13 AM,
J said…
Try "Eloka D'Meir Aneini" and you will freed from your oppressors.
At 5/31/2006 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, its easy for a kanoi to run around town screaming "INTERNET, TREIF, ASSUR!!!".
But to actually WORK and sit in a cramped office for hours sifting through thousands of names and info...thats where those kanoyim draw the line.
At 6/26/2006 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
i think rabbi solomon is a shrewd businessman - he may very well have something up his sleeve before the new school year - he stumbled last year when he tried to implement his soviet type dictate bec no self respecting rabbi wanted a part in the nonsense of giving out certificates - but he wont go away he's definitely in the planning room trying to come up w something
At 6/27/2006 11:05 AM,
J said…
I don't doubt that Rav Solomon is sincere on this issue. That doesn't make his stand right or wise. But I believe him to be a Yirei Shamayim who is trying to do what he thinks is best for his community and Klal Yisroel.
That said, the whole internet witch hunt is like 'shooting the messenger.' It is just a tool. To be used or misused.
At 6/27/2006 9:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
hes a smooth politician - how can u tell he's sincere - id like to give him the benifit of the doubt as well but im very suspicious of people who try to "do the right thing for klal yisroel" - in my books very few people fit into the category that they should do for klal yisroel - the rest should first be concerned about themselves and family - what are his credentials?
At 6/28/2006 11:00 AM,
J said…
Firstly, why are u posting Anonymously? You don't have to reveal who you really are, but at least if you use the same 'name', we can see what else you are posting, etc.,
Secondly, why are u so cynical?
how can u tell he's sincere
Shouldn't the question be: How can u tell that he is NOT sincere. Someone who devotes his life to Torah I give the presumption of sincerity until proven otherwise. My head is not in the sand and I will allow myself to be proven otherwise, but can't we at least assume the best about Rabonim? If everyone just looked out for themselves, who would build the schools, shuls, cheses orgs, etc.?
At 6/28/2006 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
i posted as anonymous cause i didnt take the time to register (yes im one of those klutzy guys) if u really care who i am ill be glad to id myself - just not online i have kids in school and i dont need any trouble
i guess theres a fundamental disagreement between us - i dont automatically give people the benifit of assuming theyre sincere - u seem to give them the benifit
but more than that, i didnt want to drag the issue into the gutter and make accusations against him so i left it at just who says he is sincere - but there are some serious questions i have - for example do you recall when he went on a rampage against the sarah schnerur program, by the end of his (along w the rest of bmg hanhallah) speech any girl who went to the program had a serious problem finding a shidduch after all rabbi solomon himself classified her as an apikores - it turns out the whole speech was propoganda and everyone in bmg hanhalla went away with their tails between their legs
At 6/28/2006 6:21 PM,
J said…
B'h, I don't fully 'live' in the Yeshivish world anymore, so I am not privy to the day-to-day crazy stories and goings on and cherems and counter-cherems. I get to focus on family, Torah learning, community, parnasah, etc.,etc..
I am not familiar with the Sara Scheier incident - so if you have grounds to be suspicious, who am i to disuade you. But without grounds, one is halachikly required to 'dan leKaf Zechus' and surely not be openly cynical and surely for a Talmid Chaochom.
I only know of the issue with kids in Lakewood not being accepted and that the Lakewood RY and Rav Solomon (I think?) would not let any girls schools open unless ALL the girls in town where accepted somewhere. I found this brave, right and a big big Kidush HaShem regarding our mutual achrayis. (see BB 21a re Yehoshua ben Gamla and yeshivos for Yesomim and see the new sefer about Rav Yakov Weinberg and chinuch - introduction as well as Question 1)
At 9/06/2006 11:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Speaking of following (or not following) the Gedoilim, have you seen this
At 9/07/2006 12:05 AM,
J said…
No i had not seen that particular page. Thank you for informing me of it. I am getting into too many arguments in shul about this issue so I will be keeping my mouth shut on this topic for a while....
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